Winpranks : Funny software to play pranks on your frnd’s PC

Monday, February 22, 2010

WINPranks (A.K.A. Windows Pranks) is a harmless program created for simulating jokes, tricks and hilarious pranks on PC users.

With the push of a button, you can set up a computer system to simulate crashes, viruses, annoying scams, fake federal copyright scans and more. WINPranks is the perfect tool for creating those funny internet videos using a hidden camera, or getting someone back for a prank they might have pulled on you.

The pranks can be just plain funny, or down right scary! Its up to you and how you use the program. The interface is simple. You just select a prank from the menu, press the “Run This Prank” button and then walk away to await your victim. The program then sits silently waiting for any input from the user before launching. WINPranks can be easily installed onto a thumb drive (external jump drive or flash drive) for easy access.

Link: Download WinPranks For free


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